Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend & Heavy Spring Cleaning Outside

The Husband and I decided to make our three day weekend a four day.  We took off Friday and started working around the house.  We had a few goals for this weekend: 1) Pressure wash the house 2) Pressure wash the front porch 3) Pressure wash the deck 4) Mow

I would show you before and after pictures but I honestly didn't get to get any before pictures and the after pictures wouldn't look as good without the before.  We worked hard all weekend and got everything done that we set out to do.  We will have to seal our porch and deck still, pressure wash the garage and pressure wash the walkways but I couldn't be happier with what all we've gotten done!  The other stuff will have to wait till another weekend! :)

I would also like to say thank you to all of the veterans and military personnel that have served our great nation and died in the line of duty or have since passed on.  You are not forgotten!

God Bless America!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I just wanted to share a picture of Izzy. She is a Border Collie/Airedale Terrier mix that we got from our local shelter.  She was around 10 months old when we got her in September of last year.  She is such a joy!  She is smart, sweet and very protective.

If you are thinking about getting a pet please go check out your local shelters.  There are so many animals there that would be wonderful pets if given the chance.  Our local shelter gets purebred animals all the time as well as mixed breeds.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Husband built me a raised bed for some veggies! :)

The husband was nice enough to make some time to build (the first of many I hope) a nice raised bed for me.  I guess all in all it's probably around 25 feet long.  I does "L" and to be honest I haven't gotten down to measure it.  I'm sure he would know, and I may ask him at some point if I think of it.  Anyway, he constructed it using decking screws and treated landscape timbers.  It has different depths throughout.  I used old feed sacks as ground cover to keep weeds and grass from coming through.  They seem to work very well and I have an endless supply for free, so why not?  :)

My other raised beds did really well (collards, head lettuce, romaine lettuce, broccoli, onions & strawberries).  I ended up giving everything to the chickens except the strawberries though because right when I needed to take care of some pesky bugs my grandparents got sick and went into the hospital.  That turned out to be the better part of a month long ordeal so my raised beds were put on hold.  I'm not complaining though!  I love my grandparents dearly and I'm so thankful that they're back home and feeling so much better!

I will put up some pics of them when I get everything planted and growing pretty good.  All of these pics are before I put the ground cover (old feed bags) down too.